
ELAI Dinner 2019
CC Solicitors were delighted to sponsor the Annual Employment Law Association of Ireland Dinner 2019. Some of the highlights:

The Employment Law Association of Ireland held their AGM on 30 May 2018 in the Merrion Hotel. Colleen Cleary stepped down as Chair of ELAI after a successful 3-year term and Peter Murphy has now taken on the role of Chair. We had a very special guest speaker on the night Ms Bronwyn McKenna who […]

ELAI Annual Dinner 2015
Colleen Cleary, Lord Justice Elias, the Honoured Guest Speaker and Ms. Justice Mary Laffoy The Employment Law Association of Ireland held its Annual Dinner and launch of the Dr. Mary Redmond bursary programme at The Westbury Hotel 8th October 2015. Lord Justice Elias, the honoured guest speaker delivered the ‘Dr Mary Redmond Memorial Lecture’. As […]